Sunday 8 October 2017

CD Sunday - For the love of Dogs - chosen by Margaret

Good Morning,
Again a quick note before we start with the challenge itself- just a reminder that the clarification that we did to our rules can now be found in the side bar.

Sadly 'Mellow Yellow' does not appear to have been a popular theme but as we expect that most of you are dog lovers we hope that you will love the new challenge chosen by Margaret – but firstly here is the Top 3 choice by Meg for her CAS Challenge.

‘Thank you to all who entered my CAS Challenge, I enjoyed visiting and seeing your cards.’
1st   Seafield Jo

Love the colour, image and layout

2nd Hazel

Beautiful image and papers

3rd Linby
Loved the addition of the background text to the front of the image.

Congratulations Jo.   Please contact us at to claim your prize and together with Hazel and Linby grab the appropriate logo from the side bar.

Now here are the ideas from the team for Margaret’s challenge  ‘ For the love of Dogs’  starting with Margaret herself



We hope you enjoy looking at the teams designs and that they will give you some ideas and inspiration. Personally I would love to receive each and every one of my fellow teamies creations.
…..Please remember all about using CD’s as is now clarified in the side bar and please also don’t forget that if you have won a prize you have to claim it. Please include your name and address in your email.
Have fun and see you next time.
Carol and the CD Sunday team

Here is an email entry from Jan Toy from Australia


  1. Thanks for the top 3 ladies.

  2. Thanks for the top 3 ladies.

  3. Thanks for choosing my card as your winner, I'm delighted. Love the new challenge theme and the DT samples are fab once again.

    Jo x

  4. Ahh Thank You so much for the Top 3 Spot. Really cheered me up, Hazelx
