Sunday 16 October 2022

CD Sunday Plus - Challenge #96 - hosted by Pamela

  This is Challenge # 96 – hosted by Pamela - and, as always, is an Anything Goes Challenge, as long as either a CD, USB or digital download - or any combination thereof – has been used in the making of your project.  Please, please remember to state the source.    Also please remember that only 3 entries per challenge are permitted.

Most of us will soon be getting into gear making Christmas cards (sorry- ducking), but some will be making cards for Halloween.  Personally it is not a ‘festival’ I have ever taken part in but I do love making the cards.  So do you, it would seem, because they have been appearing in all shapes and sizes. Hopefully we will see even more in this next challenge.

It is now Jocelyn’s turn to choose the Top 3 for Challenge # 94 and here are her choices and her comment:

"I'd like to thank everyone for their lovely entries even if it does make choosing my top three very difficult".

1st- No:14 - Bonny Lynn

This card caught my eye with the print background and flower. I love the aged look and also I'm a fan of that little bear.

2nd No:20 - Scrappy Horses 

This one is just right for this time of year and I so admire the wonderful colouring of that cute image. 

3rd No: 15 - Marie Bingaman  

I like the idea of having a shaker mug and the autumnal colours are lovely.

 Congratulations to our winners and please don’t forget to grab the appropriate banner from the side bar. I will be here next time with my Top 3 choice for Challenge # 95.

And now here are the ideas from the team for our new Challenge # 96 – starting, of course, with Pamela.






This entry to the Challenge is by Bridget.  Bridget actually entered an empty challenge as well as the one above.  A problem with Mr Linky meant that when I tried to remove the empty challenge it removed the one above. The team had seen it and made comments. I had to search back a few challenges to find when Bridget had last entered so that I could then come forward to find the current one.  I hope Mr. Linky doesn't do this again.

The link to Bridgets site is

If you don’t have a blog you may still enter by sending your entry via email using the address shown in the right-hand sidebar or by posting a photo of your entry to the new Facebook page - The CD Sunday Plus Challenge. 

Please add your photo as a reply to today’s current challenge announcement otherwise not all of the Design Team may be able to see it and… pretty please… remember to tell us which CD, USB or Digital source that you have used - and please remember that our Privacy Policy Statement is now in our Sidebar. 

Please also remember that although we are accepting and using digital images there must have been a physical item made using those images. e.g. a card, a scrapbook page, a craft item or suchlike.  All as per our Rule 3 in the sidebar.

 Please continue to STAY SAFE and ‘Keep Crafting’.

Carol and all the CD Sunday Plus team.


  1. So many lovely makes from the DT. Love how creative you are.

    Love Mandy xxx

  2. Carol CD Sunday Plus DT16 October 2022 at 13:02

    Thank you for your lovely words Mandy and your visit to my Blog.xx

  3. Thanks so much for highlighting my card! Always so fun to see what the DT is creating here! Thanks for the challenges!

  4. Lovely array of styles and talents of the DT! Thank you for the opportunity to share and to enjoy the talents of others.

  5. Huge congrats to Bonnie, Katrina and Marie - well done! And as always, I really appreciate the Team's wonderful variety of styles and craftsmanship. Thank you! xoxo

  6. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

  7. sorry, I seem to have misunderstood your challenge. You may delete my entry!

    1. I have replied on your Blog Monica. Hopefully we will see you again. Carol xx

  8. Wonderful inspiration by the DTs.

  9. Nice blog thanks for posting
